The scientific research says that fear of public speaking is the biggest fear in the world. In fact, according to the Guinness Book of Records, among life’s major fears 54% of adults rank Public Speaking ahead of the fear of death (i.e. The fear of public speaking is the number one phobia in the country — greater even than the fear of death). Hard to believe. Isn’t it?

Public Speaking fear is very real. Whether you’re Students, Graduates, Freshers, Professionals, Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, Housewives, Trainers, Speakers, Coaches or whoever you maybe – there will be situations where you need to speak in front of people, either On the Stage, or in a Meeting Room, or addressing a group of people, in front of your Superiors, Managers, Subordinates, Colleagues, Friends, Loved ones, Neighbors, Strangers, or Anyone.

And, you might have experienced that you feel Nervous, Fear, your legs shivering, your Palms sweat, your heartbeat begins to raise, you get stammering, your stomach ties itself into knots. Plus, you feel like what others will think about me, are they going to judge me, what if I fail, what if they hate my speech, all of a sudden your mind goes blank, completely forgot everything and all those Negative Thinking and Negative Mindset. Agree?

We’ve been there. No need to worry. These are the simple PROVEN tips that will be certainly helping you to overcome your fear of public speaking.

Btw, this is not a Theory. These are the practical tips which you can apply in your day-to-day life, and you’ll see the results.

I personally apply all these tips in my life. And, I teach my students and they’ll apply in their life. Many of them found incredible transformations when they practically applied in their life. It can happen to you as well.

The Good news is, Learning the art of public speaking has helped many people to groom in their professional life, make career jumps in business, build confidence in abundance, get promoted and even travel the world.

Whether you’re speaking in a small meeting or to a larger audience, these simple public speaking tips and techniques will help you overcome your fear of public speaking (or oral presentations).

14 Public Speaking Tips For Your Best Speech

To make it very convenient for everyone, I made it into 4 categories which will be simple, practical and easy to apply.

1. Before Speech (Preparation)
2. Just Before Speech (About to Speak)
3. During Speech
4. After Speech

1. Before Speech (Preparation)

1) Gather All Knowledge (Capture all information) and Organize

For any person, Knowledge is essential. Knowledge will allow you to feel confident which will convey credibility. When you’re preparing for any topic, speech, or presentation, make sure you capture all the information and get knowledge in it.

Secondly, Organize all your Thoughts, Ideas into High-Level points (so you know what you’re going to talk about) which will help you to overcome your public speaking fear, anxiety, and stress. As you know what you’re talking about, it will help you to feel Calm, Composed, and Relaxed and able to answer any possible questions thrown at you!

NOTE: Please make sure you have to give your Best Shot. Don’t settle for the smallest. Your Speech or Talk can greatly impact the world. Always give your best shot 👍

2) Repetition (Well Prepare & Practice Extensively)

Practice makes man Improved (NOT Perfect ;). There is no such thing called perfection – there’s always room for improvement in everything. Isn’t it? And For sure, nothing takes the place of practice.

The more you practice, the more comfortable you become. The more comfortable you become, you’ll be more confident.

Therefore, practice extensively (over and over). Repetition is the key.

Also, if you can visualize yourself as a “Great Speaker” or “Great Orator” even before the speech happens in reality (having a Blueprint of speech in mind), that would be even more wonderful!

I prepared a short video to help you visualize yourself as a “Great Speaker”. See if it could help!

3) Never Ever Practice In front of Mirror

In fact, many great speakers have suggested to practice in front of the mirror. However, it is probably not a great idea. The reason, when you look at yourself in the mirror and practice, you’ll become cautious, and you’ll become artificial (Naturality won’t come out).

Therefore, the best way to practice is to record your speech on your Phone or Video Camera. Record yourself giving the speech from beginning to end. Then listen to it or watch it, and make notes on how you could make it better. Some people do not like listening to the sound of their voice on any device. So it is very essential that you get used to your own voice or speaking style.

After the recording is done, Observe your:

• Body Language (or Body Movements)
• Facial Expressions
• Gestures
• Voice Modulation
• Eye Contact
• How Welcoming You Appear

And make corrections accordingly and get improve.

4) Practice Even More

No one can ever become Strong Speakers or Great Speakers or Individuals unless they practice.

PRACTICE. PRACTICE. PRACTICE (the only way to become confident in life).

Practice over and over and over and over. You’ll get excellence and become a lot more confident.

A Famous Quote from Elbert Hubbard:
If you want to become confident in life, “The only way to learn to speak is to speak and speak, and speak and speak, and speak and speak and speak.”

2. Just Before Speech (About to Speak)

5) Quick Coherence Technique (To Overcome Heartbeat Rise, Nervousness, Anxiety, Shivering, Stammering etc)

Have you ever experienced (or) Do you experience that when you’re about to speak, all of a sudden your Heartbeat begins to rise, you feel Nervous, Anxiety, Fear, your Legs Started Shivering, Palms Sweat, and so forth?

There’s a great technique in Public Speaking called “Quick Coherence Technique” or “Freeze Frame” which will take away all these kinds of problems instantly.

Here’s how you can do Quick Coherence Technique Instantly (Very Simple):

1. Close Your Eyes
2. Take a deep breath and Slowly exile from your mouth (Do it for 3-4 times) – which will slowly take away your stress.
3. Tell yourself inside your heart that “I’m excited to speak” (Do it for a couple of times) – called Affirmations – Which will boost up your Confidence and Energy.

NOTE: Sometimes, you may not experience it instantly. But when you do it over and over sincerely, you’ll experience.

6) Do Little Exercise Before Speaking

If at all you get a chance, Do some exercises lightly before a presentation. Like, jumping, breathing exercises, little walking — these can get your blood circulating and send oxygen to your brain.

Truly, you’ll be thrilled and amazed to see what a little blood flow can do.

7) Sip Warm Water

It would be a great idea to sip warm water before speaking or squeezing some lemon into your water helps as well – which will soften (lubricate) your throat. Avoid sugary beverages before speaking – these could dry out your mouth and make it harder to talk.

This is a simple tip but effective 😊

3. During Speech

8) Take Public Speaking As An Opportunity

If you don’t take Public Speaking is an opportunity, whatever knowledge you have is worthless. We must take Public Speaking is an opportunity. The success actually begins if you’re taking up as an opportunity (NOT a Threat).

You have to have this Mindset. Public Speaking is always an opportunity. We love Public Speaking 😊 Public Speaking is Easy.

9) Remove Fear of Rejection and Fear of Failure

I have been asked by many professionals these questions. Whenever we’re talking in front of our superiors, managers, we get a feeling that “Are they going to judge me?”, “What others will think about me?”, “Am I Speaking Well?”, “What if they Hate my speech.”, “What if I fail?” and all these Negative Self Talk. Have you experienced it? Do you experience it? Yes? 🙋‍♂️

It is applicable to Students, Professionals, Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, Housewives, Trainers, Speakers, Coaches, or anyone for that matter.

Please keep in mind that,

1. Do not worry about Audience Reactions – when the audience is there, they are there for a specific reason. It is your responsibility to offer value to them. Go with a Service Attitude (or Helping attitude). You’re there to serve the audience. Add value in their life. Therefore, there is no need to get stress and negative thinking. Just Relax and add value to them.

2. Thumb Rule: No matter what you do, how best you do, there is always going to be someone in the audience who does not like your speech (They do on their phone or yawning). They may get bored or tired. Basically, they don’t resonate with you. It’s okay! None of these audience reactions have anything to do with you personally.

So, Don’t Overthink Audience Reactions.

3. Have Positive Self Talk before even go on the stage or before speaking — Think of How Best your speech or presentation can go. Have These Affirmations: I believe in myself. I will do well. I’m the Best. Public Speaking is Easy.

10) Have Pause In Between Your Speech

The best way to speak is to have pauses between your speech. That makes your speech clear, effective, and to the point.

Always Have Pauses in between your speech. Repeat the key points.

Many speakers are nervous when they stand up in front of an audience. As a result, they speak faster, with a higher pitch to their voices, and without pausing. When you are more relaxed, you speak more slowly, pause regularly, and have a much better tone of voice.

Always Speak Loud. Speak Slow. (Best Voice Modulation Technique).

NOTE: Avoid Talking Too Fast

11) Always Speak To Express, Not To Impress (Life-Changing Tip)

Many times people fail because they may try to impress other people. Thus, they take lots of stress, anxiety, and fear.

Golden Rule: Always Speak To Express, NOT To Impress.

Apply this in your practical life. You’ll see a tremendous change in your life. I bet 👍

Always Be Excited To Speak (Not Nervous to Speak).

12) Add Passion and Emotional Component into Your Speech

The best way to distinguish a Normal speaker with a Strong and Effective speaker is with PASSION. We must have Passion because passion excites the audience.

Add Passion into your speech (Love speaking to the audience). Passion brings excitement.

In addition, bring emotional component or flavor into your speech that will greatly influence and motivate the audience (by sharing similar experiences). The key to eloquence is the emotional component that the speaker brings to the subject.

People move when their emotions moved. This is one of the greatest aspects that you can bring into your speech that will make you a strong and effective speaker.

13) Public Speaking Training Courses, Classes, and Workshops (ONLINE/OFFLINE)

Public Speaking Training Courses are the best way to overcome all your fears of public speaking and acquire confidence in abundance. Please keep in mind, public speaking has to be learned practically like swimming. Swimming has to be learned practically.
Likewise, public speaking has to be learned practically. Then only you’ll see the change and transformation in yourself.

Look for best public speaking courses, training, classes, or workshops in India or any country or city you live in. Find a great Public Speaker, Coach, or Mentor. Join the courses. Pay any price and spend any amount of time to speak well. Because public speaking is the Number one MUST Skill (Life skill) in the world. Everyone needs public speaking. It is a must skill for Students, Graduates, Freshers, Professionals, Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, Housewives, Working Women, Trainers, Speakers, Coaches, and for everyone.

Fortunately, we offer Best Practical Public Speaking courses, training, classes or workshops in India, Visakhapatnam, Vizag and Hyderabad. Practical, Results-oriented, and Life-changing.

Please refer below link for more details about the training program.
Best Public Speaking Training Courses in India

Always remember, most successful people are successful in speaking is because they have the burning message that they want to share, that people can really benefit from.

When you talk about your speech, always talk in terms of the transformation, change, or outcome that will occur when people listen to your talk.

In reality, even great speakers or leaders had Public Speaking Fear and Anxiety at first, like Warren Buffett, Mahatma Gandhi, Thomas Jefferson, and Abraham Lincoln but over the years they had practiced, became confident and Now they are Leaders.

Here’s a short video that I recorded on Leadership. Watch it and get motivated.

Strong speakers are NOT people who are just born. It’s a skill they develop over time.

4. After Speech

14) Plan Better For Your Next Speech

If there is a recording of your video speech, watch it and take down the notes on how you can make it better next time.

Pay attention to:

1. Your facial expressions, body movement’s and tone of voice
2. How did you start your speech? Could have been much better?
3. The way you engaging with the audience, Confidence levels, etc.
4. Used any filler words? (Like, ah, um, so, you know, etc)
5. Were there pauses in your speech?
6. Were you able to bring emotional components into your speech to connect with the audience?
7. Were you confident or nervous?
8. Did you stuck anywhere?
9. Areas of improvement
10. Overall, how did you think you did?

Write everything down. Keep practicing over and over and improve. In time, you’ll be able to overcome all your fears of public speaking.

NOTE: 5-10 Minutes of Meditation in a Day is all you need. (You’ll see an incredible transformation over time).

Have You Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking? If not yet, come join the training course. You will be a transformed person!

Everyone deserves to be confident!

The best way of speaking and overcome all your fears of public speaking are practice over and over (Repetition is the key), Always Speak to Express, Go with a Service Attitude and Speak from Heart.

I hope you found these Public Speaking Tips and Techniques are useful and beneficial. You can apply these tips in your practical life and you will see the results for sure.

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LIKE, COMMENT, and SHARE with your Friends and Loved ones so they may get benefit from it. Thank you very much!


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  1. S.S SRINIVAS says:

    Really so helpful content sir. It almost covered everything that relates to public speaking. Thank you for such a great content. Highly recommended to my friends to read and practice well.
    Thanks again.

    • It was wonderful to hear from you, Srinivas! Yeah Indeed. This blog post will help everyone to overcome your fear of public speaking and speak confidently at any situation given. I’ve put in my Heart and Soul into it while writing this blog post.

      If you are serious, and if you want to improve your public speaking skills and looking for the best public speaking tips, this is it!

      As you know, we continue to provide Best Public Speaking Courses in India, Visakhapatnam, Vizag, Hyderabad, and online so we can serve globally.

  2. Nayab Sunanda says:

    Very Interesting & Perfect Blog about “Public Speaking “.
    I am student and I have personally taken Public Speaking
    Course which helped me alot to put my words in front of people and also helped me to built a good communication skill.
    I would like to tell the blog readers that by adapting above shared techniques anybody can become a “GREAT SPEAKER “…….
    I really enjoyed reading it…….
    Thank you for sharing ☺

    • Nice to hear from you, Dear! I’m happy for you. As you have mentioned, these public speaking techniques are very helpful to overcome all our fears of public speaking and speak confidently. The best part is, these public speaking tips are Practical and Results-oriented. You can apply right away in your day-to-day life and see results.

      I hope you’re practicing your public speaking skills regularly 😉

  3. Ridhima says:

    This was very helpful I agree that many people have the fear of public speaking these methods can help me easily overcome my fear over public speaking

    • Absolutely Dear. These public speaking techniques will help anyone to overcome their fear of public speaking. I’m glad that you went through our public speaking training courses and great transformation in you. I’m SUPER happy for you. Let’s make this life exciting and become Confident Speaker & Person FOREVER. All the best 👍

  4. Ridhima says:

    This was very helpful I agree that many people have the fear of public speaking these methods can help me easily overcome my fear over public speaking thanku do much to overcome my fear of public speaking

    • Absolutely Dear. These public speaking techniques will help anyone to overcome their fear of public speaking. I’m glad that you went through our public speaking training courses and great transformation in you. I’m SUPER happy for you. Let’s make this life exciting and become Confident Speaker & Person FOREVER. All the best 👍

  5. I have attended the basic Public speaking course. People who are fear to speak on stage have to take this course. Its is so helpful and interesting, revanth sir is so Friendly and Funny too. After the course u will see the change( if you do what sir tell). If u dont know how to speak english Sir will help u dont worry about that. Before joining this course i hate to learn will public speaking but after joining the course day-by-day the course was so interesting. Seeing The Speaker From The Audience Is Over. Its Is The Time To Became a Speaker. For This ” You have To believe In your Self. AnyThing is Possible”

    • I’m very for you, Ganesh! You’re the true witness of how people can transform once they attend public speaking training courses. I had a wonderful time training you, Yatharth and Chiru. As you mentioned, the willingness to learn is very important. Anyone can become Confident Speaker & Person FOREVER. All the best 👍

  6. M Vilasini says:

    It’s really wonderful. These tips will help people to overcome fear and make him/her a great public speaker

    • So nice to hear from you, Vilasini Garu. Love to hear from you always. Somehow we got connected and I hope David is doing good too. Yeah, as you mentioned, these public speaking tips and techniques could certainly help anyone to overcome their fear of public speaking and speak confidently. Simple, Practical, and Results-oriented tips.

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